Monday, January 20, 2014

Comparison Essay Work Schedule

Comparison Essay Work Schedule

Wednesday 15th     Lesson: Thesis Statements, Assignment Structure, Rubric
Thursday 16th        Lesson: Research, Analysis, Instructions
Friday 17th             Research

Monday 20th          NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 21st           Lesson: Citations,
Wednesday 22nd    Research
Thursday 23rd        Lesson: Plagiarism, Signal Phrases.  Research or Write.
Friday 24th             Lesson: Introduction. Write

Tuesday 28th          Lesson: Conclusion.  Write
Wednesday 29th     Rough Draft Due.  Peer Edit
Thursday 30th        Write
Friday 31st             Write

Tuesday 4th            Final Draft Due.

Comparison Essay Rubric

Comparison Essay Rubric

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points
Requirements: Proper heading, title, Times New Roman, 12 pt, margins, 1-2 pgs. All requirements and approximately 2 pages long Most requirements and is at least 1 ½ pages long Missing many requirements and/or is less than 1 ½ pages long
Thesis Statement Clearly outlines all elements of the intended comparisons. (see example #4 of your hand out) Outlines the similarities and differences and some supportive details. (see example #3) Outlines the similarities and differences but lacks real supportive details. (see example #2)
Comparison Includes two strong similarities and one strong differences Clearly addresses possible reasons for each with supportive evidence. Includes two basic similarities and two basic differences. Basic reasons for each with basic supportive evidence. Does not include all required similarities and differences or lacks strong reasons for each or each or supportive evidence.
Content and Detail Supportive details and evidence throughout Some supportive details and evidence. Lacks much detail and evidence.
Organization and Clarity Clearly organized. Each paragraph has purposeful focus. . Makes effective transitions.
Clear, compelling introduction Conclusion effectively synthesizes major points of the main argument.
Student voice evident throughout Formal: avoids contractions and personal pronouns
Clearly organized. Each paragraph has purposeful focus. Some awkward or abrupt transitions.
Clear introduction Conclusion is adequately constructed.
Student voice is sometimes evident. Has some contractions and/or personal pronouns
Structure is difficult to follow. Many awkward transitions Unclear introduction and/or conclusion Lack student voice Has many contractions and/or personal pronouns
Citations Accurate format Clear signal phrases Purposefully reinforce content 4 – 6 citations Accurate format Adequate signal phrases General connection to content 2 – 3 citations Inaccurate format Lacks signal phrases Not clearly connected to content Lacks proper citations
Bibliography Demonstrates thorough research More than 10 references Demonstrates adequate research 6 – 9 references Demonstrates minimal research 3 – 5 references
Images Strongly reinforces essay content Included in the body of the paper Adequately reinforces essay content Not in the body Not clearly related or reinforcing Not in the body

Comparision Essay Instructions

Compare/Contrast Essay

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two of the ancient river valley civilizations across at least two categories. You should:
  • Have a comprehensive, analytical and explicit thesis
  • Include ample historical evidence and detail to support your thesis
  • Address all parts of the question
  • Make at least two direct, relevant comparisons
  • Include both similarities and differences
  • Analyze the cause of the similarities and differences (at least for each category, more is better)

How to organize:

Introductory paragraph that includes a clearly stated thesis.

A Thesis Statement is a detailed preview of the opinion you hope to prove and the specific points you intend to use to support this opinion. It is a road map for the reader. They should have a clear idea of where the paper is going to take them and what they might see along the way.

Needs Improvement
Example thesis 1: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had many similarities, but also some differences. (Example of an unacceptable thesis. Why?)

Example thesis 2: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had similar economics and religion, but differed in politics.

Example thesis 3: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had similar economics and religion, but differed in politics because of the power of the pharaohs.

Example thesis 4: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had similar economics and religion due to cultural diffusion in ancient west Asia, but differed in politics because the Nile River served to strengthen the power of the pharaohs.

One Method
In the above example, the first paragraph would compare economics in Egypt and China, the second would compare religion in Egypt and China, and the third paragraph would contrast Egypt and China in politics. Be sure to explain a specific reason for at least one similarity or differences.

Essay should end with a conclusion paragraph. Restate your thesis and explain how you proved it.

In your essay, use transition words: but, however, although, though in contrast, alternatively

Early Civilizations: A Comparison Research Paper

Early Civilizations:
A Comparison Research Paper

In order to explore more fully the cultures of the worlds earliest civilizations, each of you will research two separate civilizations culminating in a paper which compares and contrasts significant aspects of each. Your paper will include at least two strong comparisons and one contrasts supported by your research. Below are general instructions and information that we will elaborate upon in class.

1. Chose One Early Civilization to pair with your assigned civilization: Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, Crete, India, China, Meso-America.
2. Chose at least two Topics or Categories to compare and/or contrast for each of your civilizations. Consider the Characteristics of Civilization or other commonalities of early civilizations that we have learned about in class.
3. Research each civilization and take notes on their similarities and differences.
4. Narrow down your list to the 2 most important similarities and one most important differences, or how their similarities differ.
5. Develop a Thesis sentence.
6. Write an introduction, body, and conclusion.
7. Peer edit a rough draft.
8. Complete the final draft.

1. Paper length: 2 pages in the body of the report. Your report should be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 2 pages, not counting the bibliography and visual(s). The body of the report will include your introduction, the text of your report, and a conclusion.

2. Paper format: Typed, Times New Roman type face (not bold/italic), single space, 12 point type, margins of 1” on all sides. Do not use personal pronouns or contractions such as don’t or can’t; instead use do not or cannot.

3. References and Citations: Minimum of 3 references (you should use more). A minimum of two citations must be included in the body of the paper and in the bibliography using MLA reference style. (See Section 3, “Guide to References”.) Refer to the rubric for the best practices.

4. Bibliography: A Bibliography is an alphabetical list of sources you used in preparing your paper. They are a list of all of the sources you have used in the process of researching your work. The bibliography is a separate page at the end of the report and does not count toward the length of the assignment.

5. Visuals: At least one good quality visual in the body of your report (photograph, map, chart,etc.). The visual does not count toward the page requirement. Visuals should clearly relate to your report topic and help to explain it. Clearly identify and cite the source and content of each visual in the text on the page that the image appears.

IMPORTANT: As you take notes, put quote marks (“) around information you copy from the source so you will know these are the exact words of the source. This will help you avoid plagiarism.

Now that we've started Reseach

Okay folks, it's been a while since our last blog post but we're getting into some pretty complex work with our research essays so I think it would help to have a little material here for reference.

By now, almost all of you have been assigned one civilization to pair with one of your choice.  We have discussed the goals and instructions of the research assignment and you have had one day to do research in class.  Over the long weekend you were supposed to continue to do a little more research.

This week, we will learn about "in-text citations", "signal phrases", and plagiarism.  We will have more time to research in class as well as in-class writing time.  Next week, we should be ready to do peer edits and finish up this project.

For now, I will do my best to post copies of the hand-outs you are also receiving in class.