Monday, January 20, 2014

Comparison Essay Rubric

Comparison Essay Rubric

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points
Requirements: Proper heading, title, Times New Roman, 12 pt, margins, 1-2 pgs. All requirements and approximately 2 pages long Most requirements and is at least 1 ½ pages long Missing many requirements and/or is less than 1 ½ pages long
Thesis Statement Clearly outlines all elements of the intended comparisons. (see example #4 of your hand out) Outlines the similarities and differences and some supportive details. (see example #3) Outlines the similarities and differences but lacks real supportive details. (see example #2)
Comparison Includes two strong similarities and one strong differences Clearly addresses possible reasons for each with supportive evidence. Includes two basic similarities and two basic differences. Basic reasons for each with basic supportive evidence. Does not include all required similarities and differences or lacks strong reasons for each or each or supportive evidence.
Content and Detail Supportive details and evidence throughout Some supportive details and evidence. Lacks much detail and evidence.
Organization and Clarity Clearly organized. Each paragraph has purposeful focus. . Makes effective transitions.
Clear, compelling introduction Conclusion effectively synthesizes major points of the main argument.
Student voice evident throughout Formal: avoids contractions and personal pronouns
Clearly organized. Each paragraph has purposeful focus. Some awkward or abrupt transitions.
Clear introduction Conclusion is adequately constructed.
Student voice is sometimes evident. Has some contractions and/or personal pronouns
Structure is difficult to follow. Many awkward transitions Unclear introduction and/or conclusion Lack student voice Has many contractions and/or personal pronouns
Citations Accurate format Clear signal phrases Purposefully reinforce content 4 – 6 citations Accurate format Adequate signal phrases General connection to content 2 – 3 citations Inaccurate format Lacks signal phrases Not clearly connected to content Lacks proper citations
Bibliography Demonstrates thorough research More than 10 references Demonstrates adequate research 6 – 9 references Demonstrates minimal research 3 – 5 references
Images Strongly reinforces essay content Included in the body of the paper Adequately reinforces essay content Not in the body Not clearly related or reinforcing Not in the body

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