Friday, November 15, 2013

Family Cultural Meal

The objective of this assignment is to compile three traditional recipes based on culinary dishes your family might make from their culture, heritage, or ethnic background.

The intention of this assignment is that you will both learn about your family culture/heritage and reinforce what we have learned about agriculture, domestication, and regional diets, and "cultural universals". 

I expect you all to discuss this assignment with your families.  They will know, many times, better than you, what dishes would be a good representation of your family heritage.  As we discussed, many factors can influence traditional meals including: ethnicity, place/region, religion, and personal beliefs.

If your family does not have a strong cultural culinary tradition to call upon, don't worry, many of us might feel this way.  In that case, discuss with your parents your family background, then research three recipes that would be a part of that heritage.  For me, that would be a German heritage, based on the historical culture of my adoptive parents.

Your job is to write out the complete list of ingredients (the recipe) to a three course meal - appetizer, main course, and desert.  It is important that you have 3 dishes but not necessarily of this type.  Some cultures are less know for deserts so maybe you could have two main dishes.  Understand?

You do not need to write out full instructions of how to cook the dish but this would be a nice touch, at least to explain as part of your presentation.  I have also found in the past that pictures of each dish have been nice for myself and others to understand fully your meal.

To be clear, YOU SHOULD NOT ACTUALLY MAKE THE FOOD OR BRING IT TO SCHOOL. We will try and have a day when this will be possible, but not on Monday.  However, as I told several classes, if you have something easily distributed, that does not require dishes or utensils and will not create a mess, you could bring in something to share with your class.  Baklava was something that we discussed.

We will present our recipes in class on Monday.

Have fun.


  1. Hi mr. sieling I think that you didn't give period 1 the homework for tonight. Is that true??

  2. Hi, I have been absent for the last week, What do i need to do for make up work?
