Friday, November 1, 2013

"Cave Painting" Reflection

By the time we reached 4th period, it was clear that enough students could benifit from one more class period of painting time, rather than meeting after school.  For this reason, all class will use Monday to finish up your paintings OR complete your Reflections.

Reflection Instructions
Answer both of the following prompts.
Your final draft should be well thought out and disucussed with high level language, descriptions and examples.  You are practicing this in LA as well.

A complete reflection will have a proper heading, title, 12 point font, single spaced, and be 3/4 of a page in minimum length.

Reflection Prompts
1.  How successful do you feel your image is, based on the goals of the project?
  • Does it clearly represent modern world culture or our society?
  • Is it a good representation of "symbolic language"?  IN other words, does it clearly communicate the idea of concept you chose.
2.  What do you think and/or feel  about the whole project process?  For instance, consider:
  • Your effort towards the design concept as well as artisitc craftsmanship
  • Your enjoyment of combining art and history
  • What you learned upon reflection
  • etc.